Wines for the Holidays | What should I buy?

Can you believe it?  It is already December?  Time to dust off some typical and always repeated holiday questions.  What should I pair my holiday dinner with?  For that answer, please revisit my post from year.  I posted at great length, what to have with the different kind of food you might be serving for the the holidays.  Visit the link below to review:
Holiday Wine Pairings

Another questions that always arises back at our pre-holiday discussions is "how much"?
No - Not how many bottles!  That answer is easy,
always have plenty of wine on hand, especially during the holidays!  Anyways, "how much" is referred to the amount that somebody should be spending for wine this holiday season.
I buy a couple of good bottles to enjoy with family or people who appreciate good wine, keep the really good stuff to myself or share that with other "real" wine aficionados and rather buy what I call a "house wine" for the rest of the family and friend visits.
This decision has two reasons - first of all, I don't make enough money to do it any other way!
Secondly, every time that I go to other people houses, all I usually get is shitty wine!
Sorry friends and family if you feel offended, but it is what it is!  Buy good wine and you shall receive good wine in return!  So load up on some special deals to take with you or to open at your house when the so called "wine celllar raiders" come visiting and hide the rest :).
Because if you don't hide it, they will find a way to get to it anyways.

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