Not to make things in the simple wine education blog complicated, I will try my best to streamline the difference between various white wine glasses and red wine glasses. For the most part, white wine glasses tend to be smaller than their red wine counterparts. Why? Simply because most red wines need more aeration to fully show their beauty
and to be able to unfold their aromas! Let me give you an example which most people would be familiar with; your walk-in closet at home! Well, at least at my house, my wife (in this case the red wine) needs lots of space for all of her clothes (different aromatics) to be able to dress up (unwind) nicely. Therefore she controls ¾ of the closet. Myself (white wine) on the other hand, only need a smaller space ((aromatic yes, but easier accessible) not that this is a valid option anyways) and therefore only have a small space in our closet.
To get a bit more in detail, most red wines benefit from a higher rate of oxidation due to the tannins in red wines. If the red wine is delicate, like Pinot Noir as example, a burgundy glass works best. A burgundy glass is identified by its big bowl or round belly looking center of the glass. When drinking a more robust wine, such as a cabernet sauvignon, Bordeaux style wine glasses work great. For the white wines, use smaller glasses with a bit more narrow opening at the top. Only exception for that should be your big, oaky Chardonnay.
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